Implementing a Highlighting Directive for Angular

I have been now working with Angular for a bit of time.  I think I am getting a better grasp on the framework.  In a feature I was working on recently, I needed to implement highlight of a search term in search results, similar to search engines.  The actual search was done in a service …

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Injecting Global Variables into Angular Through ASP.NET MVC Master Page

As I am learning Angular, using it in conjunction with ASP.NET MVC I faced the following issue.  I need to inject some global variables into my Angular app.  Specifically, I would like to inject root url and current running version.  Root Url I will be using for communication with the server and version will be …

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Combining Twitter Bootstrap and Angular Validation

Here is what I would like to achieve.  I would like to create a form, login form for example, where I have some required fields and submit button.  I would like to have submit button disabled until the input is valid.  I also would like to display invalid input error messages, but not initially.  I …

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Getting Started with Angular (Modules, Controllers, oh My)

I have started studying Angular framework a few weeks ago.  I always try to keep up with frameworks out there in the world to see if any of them can save me time and fill in specific needs for my projects.  I was attracted by apparent simplicity of Angular, judging by few demos I viewed.  …

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