Extending JavaScript Arrays with TypeScript

I have been working on yet another Angular app for a few months.  Recently I found myself on a complex screen.  I discovered that I have to manipulate arrays in TypeScript quite a bit.  I found myself missing some functionality that I am accustomed to in C#, such as Linq.  I also found some older …

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Building Recursive Interfaces in Angular and Entity Framework

I had an interesting problem to study today.  The business problem is quite simple.  I want to allow users to enter a number of items on a screen that are recursively related.  To illustrate here is what I have in mind Item 1 Item 1.1 Item 1.2 Item 1.2.1 Etc.. I do not want to …

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Angular and Focus Setting on New HTML Elements

I had to deal with an interesting problem this weekend.  I was working on a screen for a demo project that was using Angular ngRepeat directive to display multiple fields for a sub-entity of a main screen.  Something similar to the demo below. The behavior I wanted to see is as follows.  When a user …

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Bootstrap Collapse No Working with Angular

I ran into an issue today when I tried to use Bootstrap’s collapse functionality inside an Angular JS based application.  What would happen is when I click on panel heading, my application would go to the root (default route).  This, of course, is caused by browser processing anchor click event in addition to collapse JavaScript …

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Create Jasmine Test Harness Page in ASP.NET MVC

In this post I will document how to quickly create a test harness page in ASP.NET MVC project that runs JavaScript tests using Jasmine unit test framework. First of all, let’s talk about project structure.  I have traditional ASP.MVC project and I am using Angular framework to build Single Page Application.  Hence, my project structure …

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Understanding Angular (from XAML perspective)

After working with Angular for a bit on a project, I wanted to write something to help me solidify in my head the principles and patterns behind Angular JS. At a high level, Angular is an MVC or MV* pattern implementation.  Of course, I am talking about Model-View-Controller or in more general terms Model-View-Some_Other_Component_That_Puts_View_And_Model_Together.  Coming  …

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Getting Started with Angular (Modules, Controllers, oh My)

I have started studying Angular framework a few weeks ago.  I always try to keep up with frameworks out there in the world to see if any of them can save me time and fill in specific needs for my projects.  I was attracted by apparent simplicity of Angular, judging by few demos I viewed.  …

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