Using Async Enumerable To Save Memory

I have encountered a problem recently. We have feature in the software that allows users to download large amounts of exported data. We found that some users selected so much data that the memory grew uncontrollably in .NET Core. So I researched the problem and found out that the async enumerable feature in C# 8 …

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Another .NET Core Tool

A while ago I wrote my first global tool:  I continued on my path to create more tools that eliminate the need for an ORM when writing .NET Core / .NET Standard apps and packages.  Since I wrote a package to generate stored procedures, I wrote a companion one that creates data access classes …

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Talks at DevLink 2014

This Wednesday I spoke at DevLink 2014.  As I promised, here are slides and sample project. Building Angular Application with TypeScript part 1 Intro to TypeScript slides Intro to Angular slides Building Angular Application with TypeScript part 2 Slides Demo project   Thank you

Resharper Solution Error Analyzer

I love ReSharper tool by JetBrains.  Today however for one of my solutions I could not get the solution error analyzer to stop.  The solution is very large, and Visual Studio performance was really bad.  The symptom was the following.  Visual Studio’s status bar was continuously flashing in lower right corner.  ReSharper analysis icon was …

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Passing Complex Parameters between Angular Controllers

Last week I encountered for the first time the need to pass complex parameters from one Angular controller to another.  The basic scenario is related to passing selected date and other criteria data from a view with a calendar on it to another view / URL where an appointment is being edited.  I want to …

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