I started my blog here in November 2009 after moving it from Live Spaces, that since died as a project. My primary goal of starting that is to share my thoughts and experiences with other folks, vet some new ideas, and hopefully help a person or two solve the same problems I found solutions to at some point in time. Blogging also gives me a place to document my experiences. In addition any time I research a topic, I like to write about it because the process of writing things down helps me remember better.
This month I hit what I consider a milestone of 100,000 views on my blog!
Woo-hoo! I think that is pretty cool!
This chart shows some steady growth in views over the last 20 months. I guess I am doing something right if that many folks can find tidbits of useful information in my writings.
Thank you.
I have your blog on my rss reader.