RIA Services (Cont.)

In this post I will cover the update process.

I am going to recap where I left off in the last post on RIA Services.  The last step was to retrieved based on ID from a read only company object.  Once this object is obtained in the VIewModel, we can create a screen to edit a company.

Here is how I am getting the company by ID in the ViewModel class:


companyQuery = _context.GetCompanyQuery(_companyID);


_context.Load<Companies>(companyQuery, (o1) =>






    if (o.Error != null)












        this.Model = o1.Entities.First() as Companies;




}, null);

Now that I have my Model property set, I can create a user control to edit the company.  Here is the part of the XAML for the edit form that shows the binding:

<UserControl x:Class

























    <Grid x:Name






            <RowDefinition Height



            <RowDefinition Height






        <Grid x:Name=”EditGrid” DataContext=”{Binding Model






                <RowDefinition Height



                <RowDefinition Height



                <RowDefinition Height



                <RowDefinition Height



                <RowDefinition Height



                <RowDefinition Height









                <ColumnDefinition Width



                <ColumnDefinition Width



                <ColumnDefinition Width






            <TextBlock Text=”Company Name:” TextAlignment=”Right” HorizontalAlignment=”Right” Grid.Column=”0″ Grid.Row=”0″ Margin=”6,6,6,6″ VerticalAlignment



            <TextBox x:Name=”CompanyNameTextbox” Grid.Column=”1″ Grid.Row=”0″ HorizontalAlignment=”Stretch” Margin=”6,6,6,6″ Text=”{Binding Path=CompanyName, Mode=TwoWay}” VerticalAlignment



            <TextBlock Text=”Date Added:” TextAlignment=”Right” HorizontalAlignment=”Right” Grid.Column=”0″ Grid.Row=”1″ Margin=”6,6,6,6″ VerticalAlignment



            <input:DatePicker x:Name=”DateAddedTextbox” SelectedDate=”{Binding DateAdded, Mode=TwoWay}” Grid.Column=”1″ Grid.Row=”1″ HorizontalAlignment=”Stretch” Margin=”6,6,6,6″ VerticalAlignment=”Center”/>

So far, I have an instance of a Companies object that is bound to the data context of my user control.  At this point a user can edit company name and date added fields.  Logically, the next thing a user would want to do is to save his changed – the nerve of him 🙂

So, let’s take a look at the Save command in our view model object.



override void BeginSave()






    _context.SubmitChanges(HandleSave, null);







void HandleSave(SubmitOperation operation)






    if (operation.Error != null)









Save is a two step process because all communication in Silverlight is asynchronous.  We are starting the save process in BeginSave, and we are checking for errors in HandleSave methods respectively.  The key part to this process is client side context of RIA Services that keeps track of all the changes that the user is making after the object has been initially retrieved via a call to the server.  The key work is done by the domain service object – LinqToEntitiesDomainService<RolodexEntities> in our case.  We can look at this code generated by the RIA Services wizard by looking at RolodexDomainService.cs class in my case.  There is a bug in current CTP that causes update to parent and child objects not being flushed properly.  In my case I have Companies object that contains a list of ComanyContacts objects.  Generated code has check for EntityState in UpdateCompanyContacts method that I had to remove to get the process to work.  Here is the final version of key methods of the Domain service class:


void UpdateCompanies(Companies currentCompanies)




    this.ObjectContext.AttachAsModified(currentCompanies, this.ChangeSet.GetOriginal(currentCompanies));




void UpdateCompanyContacts(CompanyContacts currentCompanyContacts)




    this.ObjectContext.AttachAsModified(currentCompanyContacts, this.ChangeSet.GetOriginal(currentCompanyContacts));



So, after this step all parts of the process are working – I can update companies and contacts.

Please email me any questions,

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