Last week I attended DevLink conference in Chattanooga, TN. This was my third time there, and I always enjoy this event. For a fraction of a price of a large conference you get a very good selection of talks and speakers. In addition to listening to talks, I also had three of my own. I wanted to post slides and code for them as well as links to YouTube vides.
Using Azure Mobile Services in Windows Store XAML Applications
This session will cover the basics of creating a mobile service, exposing the data through the service and consuming this data in a Windows Store application. We will cover CRUD operations and push notifications as well as securing of the services. Learning objectives 1. Create a mobile service that exposes data to the applications 2. Securing the data 3. Using services for push notifications.
Using New Controls in Windows Store XAML Applications
This session will cover the controls that are new in XAML for Windows Store applications. Those will include new list based controls such as GridView, ListView and FlipView. We will talk about cool new visuals that SemanticZoom allows developer to create. RichEditBox’s great capabilities will be discussed. Other controls that play an important role in creating compelling user interfaces will be discussed as well. At the end we will have a small working application, allowing the user to see and edit the data. Learning objectives 1. Get an overview of new XAML based controls in WinRT 2. Understand the power and capabilities of list based controls 3. Get an idea of how to create compelling user experience with other controls available for WinRT applications.
Using SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools) to Manage Database Lifecycle
This session will concentrate on features of SSDT as it pertains to creating and updating data structure while incorporating your databases into source control management as well as full application lifecycle management. Discussion will include structure management, seeded data management and deployment. Build integration features will also be part of the talk.