Pluralization in Entity Framework

As I am working on my Entity Framework extras project, I found myself needing to determine table name in the database based on class name used with DbSet in my context.  I was unable to find a way to query entity framework for this information, so I resorted to brute force approach, having to query database based on class name or pluralized class name.  I ready this blog post by Scott Hanselman about pluralization.  However, this class has been made internal, and I could not use it directly.  Having enough experience with reflection, I wrote a wrapper class that used internal class via reflection.  This code will break if API changes, but the fix at that point should be trivial.  The code of course is super easy, and looks as following:

    public static class Pluralizer
private static object _pluralizer;
private static MethodInfo
public static string Pluralize(string
return (string)_pluralizationMethod.Invoke(_pluralizer, new object
[] {word});
public static void
if (_pluralizer == null
Assembly aseembly = typeof(DbContext
type =
                _pluralizer =
Activator.CreateInstance(type, true
                _pluralizationMethod = _pluralizer.GetType().GetMethod(


As you can see, I am loading assembly class by picking a random class from Entity Framework assembly, DbContext in my case.  Then I am getting a type corresponding to English pluralization service.  Once that is done, I am getting a handle of Pluralize method based on name.

Pretty easy, hah?  Here is how I am testing (using) my new class:

public void
Assert.AreEqual("people", Pluralizer.Pluralize("person"
Assert.AreEqual("people", Pluralizer.Pluralize("people"


Ah, the magic of reflection!

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