Controlling Scrolling with @Angular/flex-layout

Flex-layout library written by Angular team can be used to layout our web applications written in @Angular.  One of the issues that we had to persistently deal with is to control scrolling in various parts of the screen independently.  We can always let browser control the vertical scrolling.  However, this becomes a problem with more …

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Talk at GGMUG

I spoke at Gwinnett Microsoft users Group last Thursday.  The talk was “Angular 2 / ASP.NET Core Primer”.  Here is the short description.  Get started with developing Angular 2 applications using ASP.NET Core in Visual Studio 2015.  Learn the basics of Angular 2 and ASP.NET Core.  Create a new project in VS and get it …

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Setting Up VS 2015 for ASP.NET Core RTM 1.0 and Angular 2 Final/RTM

n this post I will explain how to setup Visual Studio 2015 in order to develop an Angular 2 RC3 application hosted inside ASP.NET Core project.  I of course read the quick start first.  You need to make sure to install VS 2015, you can use Community edition of you want.  You would also need …

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Setting Up VS 2015 for ASP.NET Core RTM 1.0 and Angular 2 RC 3

In this post I will explain how to setup Visual Studio 2015 in order to develop an Angular 2 RC3 application hosted inside ASP.NET Core project.  I of course read the quick start first.  You need to make sure to install VS 2015, you can use Community edition of you want.  You would also need …

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Configuring ASP.NET Core for Angular 2 Deep Linking

Angular 2 default routing uses history.PushState which allows us to use more natural routes such as “” instead of “”.  We could still configure Angular 2 to use all state hash bang routes as well, but all modern supported browsers support pushState already, so why go with less supported configuration?  So, we should go on …

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Setting up Angular 2 Project to use HTTP

I recently was working on an Angular 2 demo that demonstrate top to bottom application development.  It took me a couple of hours to figure everything our, so I wanted to take a few minutes to document my steps. First things first, we have to include necessary script files for both Angular 2 and HTTP.  …

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Angular 2 Beta, ASP.NET v.Next Release Candidate and TypeScript So Happy Together

It has been a while since I posted.  I have been busy working on a video for a publishing company on Angular 2 and, more importantly, very busy at work.  I decided to take on the video project as part of my own learning.  I do not want to spend too much time on setting …

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