Talk at Microsoft Integration Architects Atlanta Users Group

Yesterday I spoke on Entity Framework at Microsoft Integration Architects Atlanta users group, and wanted to post my slides and a sample project.  Here is the session description. Entity Framework Code First End to End This session will cover the use Entity Framework in .NET based applications. Discussion will include model creation and organization as …

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Entity Framework Talk at Atlanta Code Camp 2013

As you have noticed from my previous posts, Atlanta Code Camp took place yesterday, August 24th.  I spoke on Entity Framework, and wanted to post my slides and a sample project.  Here is the session description. Entity Framework Code First End to End This session will cover the use Entity Framework in .NET based applications. …

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Workaround for Non-Unicode Parameters in Entity Framework with Oracle

I ran into a very interesting problem this week.  I got feedback that a few queries in an application I am working on are not using indexes.  The app itself is using Entity Framework over Oracle.  There was a matching index for each query, but Oracle was not using it.  I decided to use Toad …

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Entity Framework Online Course on

In case you were wondering why my blogging slacked off a bit during summer months, I have been working on Entity Framework online course for  It was pretty hard, yet exciting work for me.  I tried to do my best to cover data access using Entity Framework from the ground up.  The material starts …

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